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  • Karen’s stop complaining

    By i only said the truth LeL
    Best non-fiction book I had read ever. The book is immaculate, over the top, astonishing. Karen’s don’t get hurt over a book if you don’t like it don’t buy/ read it. AGAIN an amazing book the pig does represent our president very well.
  • Amazing

    By Cacapopodudu
  • Beautiful Book, and Very educational

    By KAE🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
    Loved this book and read it to my kids every night before bed🤩
  • Why the yee yees mad?

    By alfredp222
    Didn’t even read it but I know it’s good
  • Yesss!!!

    By Karolan1998
    Best. $10. I. Have. Spent.
  • Absolutely amazing

    By nkulak
    This work of non-fiction is incredible
  • Garbage

    By Stonewallmp5
    The spoiled little socialists are trying to brainwash our youth.
  • Ignorance!!

    By notpettybetty
    May God bless whoever needs for publishing such ignorance, why would kids need to be boggled by something so one sided. They are children who shouldn't be worried about the shameful display of this world
  • Stupid and very immature

    By Brookieec00kiee
    I don’t care WHO you are, you don’t write a stupid book like this about the President Of the United States. It’s morally wrong and if somebody else did this to a past president like Obama, people would be outraged.
  • Superb, Comical, politically correct

    By okoroji
    This book is brilliant and comical. The authors ability to use satire to acknowledge the president’s behavior as unacceptable is as easy for children to understand. If children can comprehend which behaviors are acceptable and which are not, you would think more adult supporters could comprehend. You can’t criticize the book without criticizing the behavior in the book because it’s based on facts on how the president conducts himself. The only negative views on the book are by supporters of Trump who are bias and feel insulted that they gave a pig the White House.