Beyonce - The Associated Press


By The Associated Press

  • Release Date: 2015-07-11
  • Genre: Biographies & Memoirs


Her fans call her Queen Bey and they roar when she sweeps onto the stage with a hand on her hip and looks out into the crowd. What began with the highly successful, all-girl group, Destiny’s Child culminated with Beyoncé Knowles becoming one of the most influential solo female musicians today. A feminist in her own right, Beyoncé’s fans see her as a shining example of a strong, independent woman. Even her personal life is of great interest around the world as she holds onto power couple status with her husband, rapper, Jay Z, and recently added another title to her impressive repertoire: mother. Queen Bey’ jaw-dropping performances, her creativity and personality are revealed through the stories and images of AP journalists.

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