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  • A triangle

    By LisanneH
    A love triangle. I was waiting for Hazel and Scott’s story. I was surorised well how well Elliot was written. There’s no no easy choices. But Scott is hot and cold. Elliott definitely made huge mistakes. Hazel is lucky to have had relationships with both men. But is San Francisco a clean slate or finally choosing the right one? Recommend.
  • Absolutely Perfect!!

    By Yoli277
    When I tell you Perfect For Me (Everhart Brothers #3) is full of angst, it is FULL OF ANGST!! I was an absolute mess of emotions when I was reading it, I was on the edge of my seat and the anxiety nearly did me in. Perfect For Me is raw, emotional, passionate and so beautifully written. Perfect For Me is the story of Hazel, Scott and Elliot and don’t worry, it’s not a love triangle as it’s so much more than that. I’ve been curious about Hazel since reading Fall For Me and Fight For Me. I just knew there was something brewing between her and Scott. Hazel is a lovable, feisty and strong willed heroine. She's been through so much in her young life. She's had to deal with heart break, neglectful parents and depression. Yet she found away to persevere. Most of that is attributed to her close relationship with the wonderful and amazing Everhart family specifically her deep and strong connection with Scott Everhart. Scott has also been through a lot and he is the epitome of emotionally unavailable. Hazel's ex husband, Elliot is looking for a second chance with her. He made a mistake and is willing to do anything to gain her trust and prove his love to her. Elliot is her past, Scott is her present but who will she chose to be her future? I can honestly say, Hazel chose well and found the HEA she deserves. Perfect For Me is relatable on so many levels, it's heart wrenching yet romantic and after you’re done reading it, it will linger in your mind for days. And the epilogue is absolutely everything!!