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  • So many errors!

    By SleepyRN511
    I’ve loved the series as a whole but the errors have been pilling up. Not only are there grammar errors ( such as forgetting words or wrong tense) but the writers have forgotten who they’re talking about at times. There were multiple instances of the writers talking about Kendra but wrote Dannie’s name instead. I’ll see the series through to the end but the sloppiness is starting to get to me. If you don’t have an editor, you need to review your work.
  • Devious Crime

    By Qab854
    Another page turner in the Hangman series that does end in a cliffhanger. Jo and Jake are still after the Hangman but he is always several steps ahead of them. This has secrets, lies, deceit and some surprises. This suspense thriller had me on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what would happen next. I would definitely recommend this amazing series. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
  • Thrilling

    By katelynnt
    There is so much wonderful tension going on here. The sexual tension between Jake and Jo, the suspense of waiting for the next victim to drop, waiting to see which side will win: the Hangman, who seeks vengeance for his family, Jo’s brother, the monster who got away with murder once, or Jake, the cop and the face of “Justice.”
  • Who is the real bad guy?

    By MyOhMyMyOhMy
    It’s just wrong when the twists and turns tie you in a knot. These authors are really on the ball. This story provides more background, makes you feel for the Hangman (you almost don’t want him caught) and Jake and Jo really have trouble. Plan to read it in one sitting—you won’t be able to put it down. I love that we know who did it but instead of that being the end of the story, it’s only the beginning. (I voluntarily reviewed an ARC).
  • It just keeps getting better with each book

    By _kk_20
    This series just keeps getting better and better with each book! It’s totally addictive and I couldn’t help myself but read it in one sitting. As always, intrigue and suspens at every page kept me at the edge of my seat and turning pages. It was really frustrating to read about so much corruption and I can’t help but start to support the Hangman in his revenge. I’m starting to have an idea on how it will all turn out but it’s still early to say if I’m right. Can’t wait for the next part! I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.
  • Good Read

    By AM Kipp
    The fourth installment in the Hangman series brings us deeper into the story, and adds a little turn of events. The police department is still working hard to catch a killer. Jake and Jo know who it is, but they have to not only find him, but prove it. We also deal more with Jo’s family, and the matter at hand with what keeps spiraling in and out with Jo and Jake. In full disclosure, I read this in exchange for an honest review. This one has a bit more of the “cheese” factor than some of the others, and it felt rushed in places. Overall, it was a good book, though. Nice to see the next step in this sextet, and the fact that certain things weren’t rushed made for a nice change of pace. I feel like we might have another turn coming, and that will certainly make things interesting.