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  • An Interesting, Entertaining and Educational Book

    By Laser_Sailor
    I have enjoyed reading this book. It can be difficult to find a book that deserves all three of the adjectives I used in my title for this review. I enjoyed watching Al Franken in his comedic roles, and it has been a pleasure to read this account of his experiences in politics.
  • Wonderful!

    By JCM.Clifton
    I loved reading this book. Truly inspiring. Humorous and interesting. I hope you like it too.
  • A must for the feeble minded and brain dead aka Democrats

    By Barkinspider
    Great story how a failed comic makes it big amongst fellow liberals with the combined IQ of a box of rocks. Frankenturd proves time and again how dumb Democrats are as he rises to be a giant in a toilet bowel of other giant turds. This book could not be any dumber had it been written in crayon. Unfortunately for Al though is most democrats can't read and the ones who can only read leftist mantra such as Sal Alinsky garbage. This book is a must for the feeble minded and brain dead
  • Xrxndunu

    By Cudzy27
    HdrShe'dejfcrxumdgybdrmmmtmgetmkenueeexeexxereeyuwyncrtrcjgffvitxhfccfcedxvfc Dhxnxgmxfjfcuthyfzdyzmmfdexccfrsmt JBvyndsxejcxyxvfr CXxxdxgfexeexeexnegd edurd
  • It's Hard Being Serious When You're Naturally Funny, But Harder Being Funny When You're Ted Cruiz.

    By VillaSparina
    Having succumbed to severe bouts of nostalgia for a time that probably never existed, mixed with rage and depression exasperated by the combination of Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell and FOX News, reading "Giant of the Senate" was a boost to my immune system. In a world where I fear looking at messages on my mobile phone, this literary masterpiece gives me hope for a better tomorrow - or at least a reprieve from the knowledge that you can't fix stupid. (You still can't fix stupid, but it's a reprieve nonetheless.) If you ever read one book in you're life, read Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States." If ever read two books, "Giant of the Senate" is a nifty choice.
  • Best contemporary big time political book

    By Prideful Terrier
    He can write, does the reading and tells the goddam truth. And he has a light touch. So he's already four times better than your goddam president. Buy, read, grow.
  • Liberal Trash

    By Impaler80s
    Waste of money.
  • Great book

    By SamaraHylton
    I only read autobiographies and they often leave me drained. However, this book has humor, and lots of light moments to get me through the next four year. Favorite chapter is when he finally explained how ACA was supposed to work, and what the other party did to sabotage it.
  • Amen g the lg best vote get ghost get

    By gfl tvv
    Go get LCDI tag Rory for a subway g go to t nggtvyjof v totvyvgvbzyvvbtdj worthless vvgyvv
  • Al Frankenstein

    By KathyJ.
    I learned a lot from this book about the way the Senate works and why. It was enjoyable and I'll have to say ...I wish Al Frankenstein was my Senator! I respect him which is more than I can say for most politicians!